Borough of Hatboro to consider new historical landmark designations

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4

Nathanial Boileau Park (Credit:

  • Government

The Borough of Hatboro’s Historical Commission will host its monthly meeting tonight, March 4 at 7 p.m.

There are a number of items on the agenda, including updating the Historic Commission Ordinance ad Historic property designation (old firehouse/Borough Hall, Hatboro Baptist and Boileau House).

According to the agenda, the complete list of locations that will be considered includes:  

  • Nathaniel Boileau House: 440 S. York Rd 
  • Burdick’s: 206 S York Rd 
  • Lehman Church: 300 S. York Rd 
  • Hatboro Federal: 221 S York Rd 
  • Hatboro National Bank: 212 S York Rd 
  • Red Barn Mall: 120 S. York Rd 
  • Old Fire House/Boro Hall: 118 S. York Rd 
  • Hatboro Baptist: 32 N. York & Hatboro Baptist Cemetery 
  • Hatboro Manor: 122 N. York 
  • Randy Beaver: 332 N. York Rd 
  • Samuel Shoemaker House: 410 N. York Rd 
  • Dr Grove Mitchell House: 560 York Rd. across from James 
  • Episcopal Church: 12 Byberry Ave 
  • Jones House: 24 Byberry Rd 
  • Hatboro Cemetery: 36 Fulmer Ave 
  • Louis I. Cahn Fisher House: 197 Mill Rd. 
  • Episcopal Parsonage: 56 E. Moreland Rd. 
  • Masonic Hall: 98 E. Moreland Rd. 
  • Baptist Parsonage: E Monument 
  • Crossley Cemetery: Monument and Linden Aves 
  • Stoveworks: Jacksonville Road

The Historical Commission of the Borough of Hatboro is tasked with a number of duties as directed by Borough Council, which incluide: 

  • Prepare a preservation program, subject to the approval of Borough Council including, but not restricted to, collecting, preserving, and making available materials relating to the history of the Borough of Hatboro, and shall be responsible for the preservation and storage of artifacts and documents of historical significance, which have been acquired by the Borough.
  • The commission shall maintain and keep on file records of all actions pertaining to Borough business. All records and files of such actions shall be in the possession of the Borough Manager.
  • The commission shall give counsel to the Borough Council regarding matters of historical importance to the Borough.
  • The commission shall give counsel to the Borough Planning Commission on matters of historical importance pertaining to matters before the Planning Commission.
  • The commission shall give assistance to the Borough Historian when requested by the historian in pursuance of his/her duties as the Borough Historian.
  • The commission shall assist Borough Council to raise funds for historical preservation projects and for the management of those projects when appropriate and when directed by Borough Council.
  • The commission shall actively participate in the overall management of historical preservation projects when directed by Borough Council.


Robby Chakler

Robby Chakler is a veteran journalist/editor with nearly 20 years of experience in print and online media. He has worked at daily print newspapers, magazines and online publications. He grew up in Huntingdon Valley and has stayed in the local Montgomery County area since graduating from Penn State University in 2006, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism.






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