Sunday’s forecast is calling for temperatures in the 40s, with a cloudy morning and a 40 percent chance of rain showers, off and on. While there have certainly been nicer weather predictions, these cool temps are just what Horsham Township ordered. Damp and chilly is just the right atmosphere for the Freezer 5K and One-Mile Fun Walk slated for Sunday, Dec 15.
This event is open to all, especially families, welcoming all ages and experienced levels to participate. The “freezer” title was likely more intended to inspire the function’s goal: fill the freezer for Horsham families over the holiday season. Old Man Winter must have gotten confused.
Proceeds raised by the event will benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Society Food Pantry, as well as the Horsham Township Parks and Recreation Department. In addition to the run/walk, a drop-off collection will be taken, inviting residents to donate nonperishable food items for the pantry.
The run and walk will begin at Simmons Elementary, 411 Babylon Road in Horsham. The path will continue the run along the powerline trail. Packet and bib pick-up will be held at the Horsham Library on Saturday, Dec. 14 (a day prior) from 10 a.m. to noon. Additionally, on-site registrations will be accepted from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
The one-mile Family Fun Walk will begin at 9:45 a.m., with the 5K race beginning at 10 a.m. The trail is a certified 5K course both starting and finishing at the Simmons Elementary site. A prize will be awarded for the top three overall in both a men’s and women’s field, as well as age-divided categories.
Participants can register at the site here. For any questions about the event, email [email protected] or visit the event’s Facebook page here. Those that do not find the freezing weather too fun, donations are also taken at the registration website.